chapter 3

Symbols and Operators

Topical Cross-reference for Symbols............................. 40

Topical Cross-reference for Operators............................ 41

Predefined Symbols......................................... 43

Operators................................................ 44

Run-Time Operators......................................... 48

Topical Cross-reference for Symbols

Date and Time Information




Environment Information






File Information





Macro Functions













Segment Information












Topical Cross-reference for Operators










Control Flow






< =

= =


> =



Logical and Shift

















“ ”













































Predefined Symbols


The current value of the location counter.


In data declarations, a value that the assembler allocates but does not initialize.


Defines a code label recognizable only between label1 and label2, where label1 is either start of code or the previous @@: label, and label2 is either end of code or the next @@: label. See @B and @F.


The location of the previous @@: label.

@CatStr( string1 [[, string2...]] )

Macro function that concatenates one or more strings. Returns a string.


The name of the code segment (text macro).


0 for TINY, SMALL, COMPACT, and FLAT models, and 1 for MEDIUM, LARGE, and HUGE models (numeric equate).


A bit mask specifying the processor mode (numeric equate).


The name of the current segment (text macro).


The name of the default data group. Evaluates to DGROUP for all models except FLAT. Evaluates to FLAT under the FLAT memory model (text macro).


0 for TINY, SMALL, MEDIUM, and FLAT models, 1 for COMPACT and LARGE models, and 2 for HUGE model (numeric equate).


The system date in the format mm/dd/yy (text macro).

@Environ( envvar )

Value of environment variable envvar (macro function).


The location of the next @@: label.


The name of the segment defined by the .FARDATA directive (text macro).


The name of the segment defined by the .FARDATA? directive (text macro).


The name of the current file (text macro).


The base name of the main file being assembled (text macro).

@InStr( [[position]], string1, string2 )

Macro function that finds the first occurrence of string2 in string1, beginning at position within string1. If position does not appear, search begins at start of string1. Returns a position integer or 0 if string2 is not found.


Information about the language parameters (numeric equate).


The source line number in the current file (numeric equate).


1 for TINY model, 2 for SMALL model, 3 for COMPACT model, 4 for MEDIUM model, 5 for LARGE model, 6 for HUGE model, and 7 for FLAT model (numeric equate).

@SizeStr( string )

Macro function that returns the length of the given string. Returns an integer.

@SubStr( string, position [[, length]] )

Macro function that returns a substring starting at position.


DGROUP for near stacks or STACK for far stacks (text macro).


The system time in 24-hour hh:mm:ss format (text macro).


610 in MASM 6.1 (text macro).


Two for a 16-bit segment or 4 for a 32-bit segment (numeric equate).


expression1 + expression2

Returns expression1 plus expression2.


Returns expression1 minus expression2.

expression1 * expression2

Returns expression1 times expression2.

expression1 / expression2

Returns expression1 divided by expression2.


Reverses the sign of expression.

expression1 [expression2]

Returns expression1 plus [expression2].

segment: expression

Overrides the default segment of expression with segment. The segment can be a segment register, group name, segment name, or segment expression. The expression must be a constant.

expression. field [[. field]]...

Returns expression plus the offset of field within its structure or union.

[register]. field [[. field]]...

Returns value at the location pointed to by register plus the offset of field within its structure or union.


Treats text as a single literal element.


Treats “text” as a string.


Treats ’text’ as a string.


Treats character as a literal character rather than as an operator or symbol.


Treats text as a comment.


Treats text as a comment in a macro that appears only in the macro definition. The listing does not show text where the macro is expanded.


Treats the value of expression in a macro argument as text.


Replaces parameter with its corresponding argument value.


See the EXTERNDEF directive.


See the INVOKE directive.

expression1 AND expression2

Returns the result of a bitwise AND operation for expression1 and expression2.

count DUP (initialvalue [[, initialvalue]]...)

Specifies count number of declarations of initialvalue.

expression1 EQ expression2

Returns true (–1) if expression1 equals expression2, or returns false (0) if it does not.

expression1 GE expression2

Returns true (–1) if expression1 is greater-than-or-equal-to expression2, or returns false (0) if it is not.

expression1 GT expression2

Returns true (–1) if expression1 is greater than expression2, or returns false (0) if it is not.

HIGH expression

Returns the high byte of expression.

HIGHWORD expression

Returns the high word of expression.

expression1 LE expression2

Returns true (–1) if expression1 is less than or equal to expression2, or returns false (0) if it is not.

LENGTH variable

Returns the number of data items in variable created by the first initializer.

LENGTHOF variable

Returns the number of data objects in variable.

LOW expression

Returns the low byte of expression.

LOWWORD expression

Returns the low word of expression.

LROFFSET expression

Returns the offset of expression. Same as OFFSET, but it generates a loader resolved offset, which allows Windows to relocate code segments.

expression1 LT expression2

Returns true (–1) if expression1 is less than expression2, or returns false (0) if it is not.

MASK {recordfieldname | record}

Returns a bit mask in which the bits in recordfieldname or record are set and all other bits are cleared.

expression1 MOD expression2

Returns the integer value of the remainder (modulo) when dividing expression1 by expression2.

expression1 NE expression2

Returns true (–1) if expression1 does not equal expression2, or returns false (0) if it does.

NOT expression

Returns expression with all bits reversed.

OFFSET expression

Returns the offset of expression.

OPATTR expression

Returns a word defining the mode and scope of expression. The low byte is identical to the byte returned by .TYPE. The high byte contains additional information.

expression1 OR expression2

Returns the result of a bitwise OR operation for expression1 and expression2.

type PTR expression

Forces the expression to be treated as having the specified type.

[[distance]] PTR type

Specifies a pointer to type.

SEG expression

Returns the segment of expression.

expression SHL count

Returns the result of shifting the bits of expression left count number of bits.

SHORT label

Sets the type of label to short. All jumps to label must be short (within the range –128 to +127 bytes from the jump instruction to label).

expression SHR count

Returns the result of shifting the bits of expression right count number of bits.

SIZE variable

Returns the number of bytes in variable allocated by the first initializer.

SIZEOF {variable | type}

Returns the number of bytes in variable or type.

THIS type

Returns an operand of specified type whose offset and segment values are equal to the current location-counter value.

.TYPE expression


TYPE expression

Returns the type of expression.

WIDTH {recordfieldname | record}

Returns the width in bits of the current recordfieldname or record.

expression1 XOR expression2

Returns the result of a bitwise XOR operation for expression1 and expression2.

Run-Time Operators

The following operators are used only within .IF, .WHILE, or .REPEAT blocks and are evaluated at run time, not at assembly time:

expression1 == expression2

Is equal to.

expression1 != expression2

Is not equal to.

expression1 > expression2

Is greater than.

expression1 >= expression2

Is greater than or equal to.

expression1 < expression2

Is less than.

expression1 <= expression2

Is less than or equal to.

expression1 || expression2

Logical OR.

expression1 && expression2

Logical AND.

expression1 & expression2

Bitwise AND.


Logical negation.


Status of carry flag.


Status of overflow flag.


Status of parity flag.


Status of sign flag.


Status of zero flag.